Visualization of bird sound files on amplitudes

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
from pydub import AudioSegment
from scipy import signal
from import wavfile
In [2]:
# custom matplotlib style
usetex = True
fontsize = 14
params = {'axes.labelsize': fontsize + 2,
      'font.size': fontsize + 2,
      'legend.fontsize': fontsize + 2,
      'xtick.labelsize': fontsize,
      'ytick.labelsize': fontsize}
      #'text.usetex': usetex} # Requires latex on the computer'ggplot')


Conversion: MP3 to WAV

Here, we take all the MP3 bird sounds inside the "ALL BIRDS" and "Test Birds from Kasios" folders, and convert them into WAV files.

We have to do this because WAV is the most supported format to do sound processing.

Please put the folders "ALL BIRDS" and "Test Birds from Kasios" of the VAST challenge in the folder "data".

This step will take some minutes.
In [3]:
from data.loader import get_kasios_obs, get_obs, map_path

df = get_obs(songs = True)
df_kasios = get_kasios_obs(songs = True)
Loading wav files...
Loading wav files...


Temporal representation

In [4]:
# take random samples
samples = df.sample(6)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,7))
for i, (index, obs) in enumerate(samples.iterrows()):
    # read wav file
    rate, data =["song"])
    times = np.arange(len(data))/float(rate)
    title = '{} {}'.format(obs["English_name"], obs["Vocalization_type"])
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, i+1)
    ax.fill_between(times, data, color="C{}".format(i)) # plot the signal
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [sec]')


Frequency representation (2D spectrogram)

In [5]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,7))
for i, (index, obs) in enumerate(samples.iterrows()):
    # read wav file
    rate, data =["song"])
    times = np.arange(len(data))/float(rate)
    title = '{} {}'.format(obs["English_name"], obs["Vocalization_type"])
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, i+1)
    ax.specgram(data, Fs=rate)
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [sec]')
    ax.set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
/home/guillaume/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  Z = 10. * np.log10(spec)
Please check the notebook "4_spectral_analysis.ipynb"

Analyze Kasios test birds with visualizations

Kasios provided 15 birds sounds. According to them, they are songs and calls from the Rose-crested Blue Pipit species.

Aim: Analyse the Kasios birds tests records and verify from which species each record belongs.

The dataset we have been provided contains 186 samples of Rose-crested Blue Pipits sounds. They are "songs" and "calls", with different qualities, graded from A to E. Most of them are in good quality. In fact, quality A and B represent 148 records.

We will first visualize some of the Blue Pipits records to identify some characteristics, and then we will compare what we obtained with the Kasios records.

To do the comparison, we will plot all the records with the same scales. The time (x-axis) will go from 0 to 20 seconds, and the amplitude (y-axis) from -10000 to 10000.

In [6]:
def plot_signal_temp(df, title):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,9))
    for i, (index, obs) in enumerate(df.iterrows()):
        # read wav file
        rate, data =["song"])

        times = np.arange(len(data))/float(rate)
        title = '{} {}'.format(obs["English_name"], obs["Vocalization_type"])
        # plot the signal
        ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, i+1)
        times = np.arange(len(data))/float(rate)
        ax.fill_between(times, data, color="C{}".format(i))
        ax.set_xlabel('Time [sec]')
        ax.set_xlim(0, 20)
        ax.set_ylim(-10000, 10000)

    fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
def plot_spectrogram(df, title):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,9))
    for i, (index, obs) in enumerate(df.iterrows()):
        # read wav file
        rate, data =["song"])

        times = np.arange(len(data))/float(rate)
        title = '{} {}'.format(obs["English_name"], obs["Vocalization_type"])

        # plot the spectrogram
        ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, i+1)
        ax.specgram(data, Fs=rate)
        ax.set_xlabel('Time [sec]')
        ax.set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
        ax.set_xlim(0, 20)

    fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])

Blue Pipit songs

In [7]:
df_bp_songs = df.loc[(df['English_name'] == 'Rose-crested Blue Pipit') 
                     & (df['Vocalization_type'] == 'song')
                     & (df['Quality'] == 'A')]
df_bp_songs = df_bp_songs[:9]


                 title='Rose-creasted Blue Pipit songs')
English_name Vocalization_type Quality Time Date X Y color T song
File ID
405548 Rose-crested Blue Pipit song A 11:00 3/10/2018 55 125 #bcbd22 2018-03-10 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
401782 Rose-crested Blue Pipit song A 6:00 6/29/2008 129 123 #bcbd22 2008-06-29 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
377874 Rose-crested Blue Pipit song A 7:43 6/11/2000 134 118 #bcbd22 2000-06-11 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
364567 Rose-crested Blue Pipit song A 7:00 4/14/2017 124 121 #bcbd22 2017-04-14 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
293914 Rose-crested Blue Pipit song A 7:19 6/5/2015 142 114 #bcbd22 2015-06-05 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
277989 Rose-crested Blue Pipit song A 20:31 5/26/2015 159 117 #bcbd22 2015-05-26 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
277952 Rose-crested Blue Pipit song A 15:34 5/26/2015 128 116 #bcbd22 2015-05-26 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
176636 Rose-crested Blue Pipit song A 7:40 6/6/2013 121 132 #bcbd22 2013-06-06 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
164501 Rose-crested Blue Pipit song A 17:30 5/3/1993 131 120 #bcbd22 1993-05-03 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
We notice that the songs of the Blue Pipit consist in sequences of "song - silence" repetitions, that occur at intervals of equal length.
In the different records, the time of silence varies, but the time of the songs is approximately the same (2 seconds).
The amplitude of the song periods is going crescendo.

Blue Pipit calls

In [8]:
df_bp_calls = df.loc[(df['English_name'] == 'Rose-crested Blue Pipit') 
                    & (df['Vocalization_type'] == 'call')
                    & (df['Quality'] == 'A')]
df_bp_calls = df_bp_calls[:9]


                 title='Rose-creasted Blue Pipit calls')
English_name Vocalization_type Quality Time Date X Y color T song
File ID
406171 Rose-crested Blue Pipit call A 7:48 6/7/2017 125 133 #bcbd22 2017-06-07 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
405901 Rose-crested Blue Pipit call A 12:00 2/8/2018 58 76 #bcbd22 2018-02-08 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
401720 Rose-crested Blue Pipit call A 13:00 12/28/2016 132 121 #bcbd22 2016-12-28 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
401719 Rose-crested Blue Pipit call A 13:00 12/28/2016 106 107 #bcbd22 2016-12-28 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
387404 Rose-crested Blue Pipit call A 10:00 9/18/2017 149 115 #bcbd22 2017-09-18 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
368493 Rose-crested Blue Pipit call A 12:47 3/13/2017 89 131 #bcbd22 2017-03-13 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
368492 Rose-crested Blue Pipit call A 12:45 3/13/2017 141 124 #bcbd22 2017-03-13 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
353709 Rose-crested Blue Pipit call A ? 10/8/2016 127 119 #bcbd22 2016-10-08 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
351273 Rose-crested Blue Pipit call A 13:00 1/17/2017 146 114 #bcbd22 2017-01-17 /home/guillaume/MEGAsync/Jupyter-notebooks/vas...
From this plot, we can guess the shape of the Blue Pipits calls.
We can distinguish the repetition of high amplitude picks followed by silences.
These picks events are the calls. They happen at regular intervals.
To conclude, the difference between songs and calls of the Blue Pipit is the fact that the songs are longer vocalizations which usually include a variety of notes in a sequence, while bird calls are short communications which are often single notes.

Kasios files

In [9]:
# Get all tests sounds of Kasios
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(17,15))
fig.suptitle('Kasios test files')

for i, (index, obs) in enumerate(df_kasios.iterrows()):
    # read wav file
    rate, data =["song"])
    # plot the signal
    ax = fig.add_subplot(5, 3, i+1)
    times = np.arange(len(data))/float(rate)
    ax.fill_between(times, data, color="C{}".format(i%9))
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [sec]')
    ax.set_xlim(0, 20)
    ax.set_ylim(-10000, 10000)
fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
Here, we have plotted the 15 test sound of Kasios. They claim that these records are Blue Pipits records.
From the shapes of Blue Pipit songs and calls we have just described, we can say that most of the test files do not look like Blue Pipit records.

On the next plot, we emphasize this in focusing on each test sound one by one. We will try to say if it looks similar to a Blue Pipit call or song.

In [10]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,40))
fig.suptitle('Test file : Is a Blue Pipit record or not ?')

f = df.loc[368492].song
rate_calls, data_calls =
f = df.loc[377874].song
rate_songs, data_songs =

for i, (index, obs) in enumerate(df_kasios.iterrows()):
    # read wav file
    rate, data =["song"])
    # visualize the signals 
    ax = fig.add_subplot(15, 3, 3*i+1)
    times = np.arange(len(data))/float(rate)
    title = 'Kasios test {}'.format(i+1)
    ax.fill_between(times, data, color="C{}".format(i%9))
    ax.set_xlim(0, 20)
    ax.set_ylim(-10000, 10000)
    bx = fig.add_subplot(15, 3, 3*i+2)
    times = np.arange(len(data_calls))/float(rate_calls)
    bx.fill_between(times, data_calls, color="C{}".format(i%9))
    bx.set_title('Blue Pipit call')
    bx.set_xlim(0, 20)
    bx.set_ylim(-10000, 10000)
    cx = fig.add_subplot(15, 3, 3*i+3)
    times = np.arange(len(data_songs))/float(rate_songs)
    cx.fill_between(times, data_songs, color="C{}".format(i%9))
    cx.set_title('Blue Pipit song')
    cx.set_xlim(0, 20)
    cx.set_ylim(-10000, 10000)

fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
Test file Looks similar to Blue Pipit
1 Yes
2 No
3 No
4 Maybe
5 No
6 No
7 No
8 No
9 No
10 No
11 Maybe
12 No
13 Yes
14 No
15 Yes

Like we previously said, most of the test records from Kasios does not seem to be from the Rose-Crested-Blue-Pipit species. But we cannot be sure of the comparison as it is only made by visual interpretation. To be more accurate, we could do feature extraction on the spectral representation.

Check the notebook 4_spectral_analysis.ipynb.