
Visualizations for the VAST mini-challenge 1 (2018).

Our work

Check our work and visualization without the need to run anything, thanks to these html links:

  1. basic map
  2. dynamic map (you need to run this since it runs on a local server)
  3. amplitude analysis
  4. spectral analysis
  5. classification (machine learning)
  6. conclusion

Demo of the dynamic map




To run our repository, you need to create the environement “vast” from the ‘environement.yml’ file.

conda env create -f environment.yml

The birds songs are not included. You need to download them and put them in the appropriate folder : ‘data/ALL BIRDS’ and ‘data/Test Birds from Kasios’.

The software ‘ffmpeg’ is needed to convert the mp3 files to wav files.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Map visualizations

Sound visualizations


Ruth Kueviakoe, Sajeevan Puvikaran, Nicolas Toussaint, Guillaume Fradet.